Category: Brady Law

Brady Cops

Brady Cops


testilying-copblockSelf-proclaimed “authorities” dictate that it’s a crime for you to lie to a police employee, but it’s permissible for that police employee to lie to you. This is demonstrative of the double-standards upon which today’s policing institution is based.

Police employees lie in conversations on the street (when soliciting information), in their own reports (to make their version of the “truth” fit the scenario), and in legaland (a practice so commonplace that it’s been coined ‘testilying’).


  1. telling lies under oath; standard operating procedure for police officers acting as witnesses in trials (
  2. police perjury is the act of a police officer giving false testimony (

Apparently, while you are secondary to the police employee when on the street (despite claims that they work for you), in legaland, should a police employee be caught lying, the facade of objectivity of the criminals justice system is made a higher-priority, as the name of the police employee is recorded on a list known as the “Brady list.” From the Brady v Maryland entry on Wikipedia:

Police officers who have been dishonest are sometimes referred to as “Brady cops.” Because of the Brady ruling, prosecutors are required to notify defendants and their attorneys whenever a law enforcement official involved in their case has a sustained record for knowingly lying in an official capacity

Recently we received an email from a gentleman in Michigan who questioned how Brady lists could be obtained. I didn’t know. I looked and didn’t find a step-by-step process outlined (surprise!). Thus I was motivated to write this post in the hope that you, the reader, would have some information helpful to answer this question.

Should a FOIA request be sent to each state attorney general (as they are atop the police hierarchy in each state), or to each county attorney (as the prosecutor, who’d then be privy to such info), or to each police outfit (who possess the files necessary for the Brady classification to be made), or is there another, less-laborious means?

I did inquire of a lawyer bud in NH, who noted that there, the list isn’t called a “Brady list” but a”Laurie list” after the case State v. Laurie. He said each defendant had the right to such information for those who were going to be called to testify in their case at legaland, and that he questioned whether police outfits would release such information to the public, noting that it may be claimed it’d violate the police employee’s personnel file.

Also, another friend is inquiring of his lawyer friend based in California on how best to proceed.

Hopefully between those leads, and the input generated from this post, a process can be determined, and the names of all known Brady cops can be acquired and posed here to


Brady Cops in Snohomish County

Brady Cops in Snohomish County

Most of us have never heard of a “Brady List”, or “Potential Impeachment List” it is a list of Police Officers who have been caught lying, or being less then truthful in internal investigations amongst other things

Here is the list for Snohomish County, some made the list twice and others that should be on this list are no where to be found, some that are not on this list are not because they transferred in from another dept that placed them on the list and for some reason SnoCo is hiding that fact, or is merely unaware. Also keep in mind this is an incomplete list.

The most important thing that should be noted in regards to the many officers who should be on this list:

It is the Snohomish County Prosecutor who decides who gets placed on this list, not much incentive to place any officer on the list when he will need them as witnesses to his own court cases.


SnoCo Brady Cops1) David Alaniz of Marysville was a former Mountlake Terrace Officer who was keeping fees for home monitoring.

2) Wayne Boudreau Jr former City of Everett Police Officer now works for a Pest Control Company

3) Kenneth Brandt former City of Everett Police Officer now an inspector for the Tulalip Tribes

4) Theodore Brown UNK

5) Mike Burns UNK

6) Corey Cook former 26 yr veteran City of Snohomish Officer, was the subject of an internal investigation involving the mysterious death of Joyce Lamb who was found floating in the Snohomish River but the investigating officers “didn’t find anything” so they closed the case out. The city was sued by a woman he was trying to terrorize into having sex with him amongst many other internal investigations for various things.

7) Crystal Dalton former SnoCo Sheriff, her husband is still a Granite Falls Officer

8) Daryl Eby Purposefully mispelled? UNK

9) Kevin Fifield UNK

10) David Fontenot currently a Detective with SnoCo major crimes unit, was placed there on May 2014 ~ 4 months after being placed on the Brady list

11) Rick Fuller UNK

12) Todd Fullerton former Snohomish County Sheriff who is now a  “Criminal Justice Instructor at Everett Community College

13) Tam Guthrie a Mountlake Terrace Officer who seems to have been the target of Chief Greg Wilson for what they claimed were deficiencies in his reports, but if you go back a little you will find he was also targeted because of his Union activities for which he was reinstated with full back pay

14) Frazer Kennedy Lynnwood Police Officer Secretary of the South Snohomish County Honor Guard

15) Christopher Leyda Snohomish County Sheriff

16) Christopher Leyda Snohomish County Sheriff

17) John Lind charged with perjury then reinstated as a Snohomish County Sheriff.

18) Vince Linnell was promoted to patrol Sgt after Ty Trenary took over

19) Anthony Lyle UNK seems to have an assault charge

20) Timothy Malkow was given a letter of Commendation from Snohomish County Sheriff in 2009

21) Frank McCahill (also misspelled) former City of Bothell cop who was investigated for rape, irresponsible discharge of a firearms

22) Jeff Meldrum WSP involved in a u-turn crash that seriously injured an Everett woman

23) Richard Michelsen

24) Brian Mustacci former Snohomish County Sheriff now employed at FEDEX in Alaska

25) Darin Odegaard (evidently whoever wrote this list is illiterate as this name is also misspelled) former Granite Falls police Officer now a Ferry County Officer

26) Brian Osborn former Brier and Mountlake Terrace Police Officer, now sells police apparel and equipment. His linkedin acct says something totally different but he was still a MLT Officer in 2012

27) Tracy Peckham (also misspelled) currently  a City of Stanwood Police Officer

28) Ryan Phillips currently a Snohomish County Sheriff

29) Craig Pruitt former City of Everett Police Officer now with Legion Belize

30) Christopher Reid former City of Everett Police Officer, now a law clerk in an insurance agency firm

31) Gerald Ross this one is a gem of a story… former SnoCo Lt in Internal Investigations supposedly told a county employee that some other cop lied about disabililty leave and (surprise) one of the witnesses against him was at the time also being investigated for dishonesty

32) Jason Sampaga City of Everett Police Officer

33) Joshua Scott former border patrol, Washington State Patrol, and Snohomish County Sheriif now active duty army in Alabama, shot and killed a bank robber

34) Christopher Simpson

35) Don Snyder

36) Mikalijames Stapleton currently living in Marysville UNK

37) Patrick Stevenson Lake Stevens Officer convicted of DUI

38) Brett Sundstrom Snohomish County Corrections Officer

39) Dallas Swank “retired” Snohomish County Sheriff

40) Jordan Terrell UNK Mountlake Terrace Police Officer

41) Lora Tollefson UNK Mountlake Terrace Police Officer

42) Paul Watkins

43) James Wellington

44) Pat White UNK Granite Falls Police Officer who made a fake card naming him as the Chief of Police, but the guy who turned him in got canned and the Mayor refused to forward the info to prosecutors

45) Ashley Wilske Former CPS worker turned child abuse interview tech for King County then Snohomish County now calls herself a forensic interviewer and a counselor